Preventing or accelerating galvanic corrosion through the application of a proper external magnetic field
Preventing or accelerating galvanic corrosion through the application of a proper external magnetic field
Corrosion Engineering Science and Technology, 49 (7), pp. 603-607.
The effect of an external magnetic field on the corrosion behaviour of a galvanic couple, zinc (Zn)–
stainless steel (SS 316L), has been investigated in a 0?055 mol L21 potassium chloride (KCl)
solution. The impact of the orientation as well as the magnetic flux density B (Wb m22) on the
corrosion progression of the galvanic couple, is evaluated heuristically by monitoring the
corrosion potential Ecorr (mV) and the current density Icorr (mA cm22) of the system. A strong
influence of the magnitude and orientation of the magnetic field on the Zn–SS316L galvanic
couple corrosion was observed, whereas the field was proven to act either protective or
accelerating in terms of corrosion.