An Investigation of Ceramic Forming Method Using Reverse Engineering Techniques: The Case of Oinochoai from Dion, Macedonia,
An Investigation of Ceramic Forming Method Using Reverse Engineering Techniques: The Case of Oinochoai from Dion, Macedonia,
Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 18; pp. 111-124.
Abstract A method for investigating the forming technique of ancient ceramic vessels is presented. The recording, analysis, and comparison of the vessels' metrical properties by means of computer tomography, three-dimensional laser scanning, and solid-modeling software enables the identification of the applied manufacturing methods. A finite elements method-based simulation of the developed deformations during the vessels' manufacture offers significant insight into the applied shaping procedures. By making possible the exact recording of both the internal and external form of the vessels as well as the simulation of the forming procedure, the method represents a marked improvement to hitherto applied methods based on radiography. The method is applied on two early iron age ceramic jugs (oinochoai) found as offerings in tombs in excavations in Dion,