Open Lecture days: Saturday 26/02/2022 at 15:00 (local Greek time)
We are delighted to host Prof. Y. Missirlis for the first invited lecture of 2022, which will be held in classroom 1 of our Department’s Building at Sialvera & Nikou Bakola in Kozani.
The thematology of the lecture will be:
- Tissue morphogenesis and mechanoepigenetics.
- Spatiotemporal aspects of intra and inter cellular communication.
Professor Yannis Missirlis graduated as Chemical Engineer from the NTUA (Athens), received a M.Sc in Chemical Engineering, (Syracuse-USA) and his Ph.D. from Rice University (Houston) in Biomedical Engineering. He was Assistant /Associate Professor at McMaster University (Canada) and Professor of Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering at the University of Patras. His interests include cell-material interactions, mechanotransduction, tissue engineering, biomechanics from nano-to macro level.