Strength of Materials
Strength of Materials
The course content is structured around 6 main pillars: Axial loading: Safety Factor, Hooke’s law, Modulus of Elasticity, Elastic vs. Plastic behaviour, Static indeterminacy, Thermal stresses, Poisson’s ratio, Hooke’s law (generalized), Torsion: Stress, strain, angle of twist in elastic range, statically indeterminate shafts, design of transmission shafts, stress concentrations. Pure Bending: Deformations in symmetric member, strain due to bending, bending of members made of several materials, stress concentrations, asymmetric bending, general case of eccentric axial loading. Design and analysis of beams: N,Q,M diagrams, determination of the shearing stress in common or complex types of beams, shear stresses in thin-walled members. Stress–Strain Transformations: Plane stress transformation, principal stresses, maximum shear stress, Mohr’s Circle for plane stress and general Three-Dimensional analysis of stress and strain. Deflection of beams: Deformation of a beam under transverse loading, equation of the elastic curve, determination of the elastic curve from the load distribution, method of superposition, moment–area theorems.
A detailed description of these courses’ curriculum can be found at the Department’s Study Guide